Kamis, 27 Januari 2011


Education has a vital role for the survival of human life,, because without education people will be difficult to develop and even backward. Thus education should really be directed to produce quality human and able to compete. In addition, education is also an effort to improve the quality of Human Resources (HR), physical, mental and spiritual. Various efforts have been made in education, including curriculum development and improvement be gradual, consistent and tailored to the development and advancement of science and technology. Educational process focused on improving the mastery of knowledge, skills abilities, the development of attitudes and values concerning the establishment and development of self-learners, so the purpose of education is not only to develop knowledge of children, but also attitudes and socio-emotional personality in addition to the skills other. Education in schools can not be separated from the learning process and interaction between teachers and students.
Learning is a two-way communication process, the teaching conducted by the teacher as the educator, whereas the study conducted by students or teachers should be able to adapt the teaching materials for pupils with learning methods to achieve maximum academic achievement.
Overall reflection of the learning demonstrated by the achievement of learning achieved by students. But the reality in accordance with the purpose of teaching and learning is not easy. In the normal teaching and learning in schools often encountered some problems. Many students who have found low values in some subjects, especially English language learning. Teachers are key in improving the quality of education and they are in the central point of any education reform effort aimed at qualitative change. Teachers are responsible for managing, directing and creating an atmosphere that encourages students to carry out activities in class. To support these tasks, required the selection of appropriate strategies and in accordance with the material or concepts that will be taught. Teaching model used by teachers also will affect the way students learn where every student has a different way of learning with other students.
English lessons at school today plays an important role by placing it as one of the school prerequisite courses. In recent years, many students are not graduating because of the english language that has not reached the standard value of graduation requirements so that English is still regarded as a scourge for them. Actual values used in the passing requirement is not a good value and English learning achievement to be proud of, but all must be diametrically opposed on the level of the student's ability to absorb and understand the English language which is still low. Many students who have not mastered the concept of the material being taught. This is caused by the use of learning strategies that are less precise in delivering course material.
Currently there are many learning methods developed for the purpose of gaining knowledge construction among others, cooperative learning, contextual learning and problem based learning. However, in practice, development of teaching methods above have not been fully utilized by the teacher with the excuse of time constraints. Once the researchers conducted observations english learning process conducted in SMA found problems as follows:
1)      Students are less able to use formulas in problem solving,
2)      Students tend to be less active in the learning process,
3)      Students tend to depend on teachers and friends.
The problems are caused by the learning method developed by English teachers in teaching and learning activities are conventional learning methods that rely more on lectures, in which teachers focused more on efforts to transfer knowledge into the head of the student without notice that when students enter the classroom, students stock has the ability and knowledge that is not the same. Students are only placed as objects, so that students become passive and sank into a state of learning the optimal stimulating learning activities. Passive attitude of students in the learning process and learning system that monotony has impacted the academic achievement of English language decreases.
To overcome the problems mentioned above, then the teacher needs to implement an appropriate learning strategies that can make learning english involves more active role of students.
Learning strategies that can be used such as Index Card Match. The Index Card Match learning strategies are emphasized for students to understand the material by working together in pairs. This strategy is quite fun, especially used to repeat material that has been taught previously. However,new material can still be taught with this strategy with a record of students were given the task of studying the topic to be taught first.
In addition determined by the learning strategy, the success of teaching and learning process is also determined by the motivation to study. English teachers are expected to give impetus to learn the students, so students feel interested and easy to understand the material provided. Every act, including deeds to learn is driven by something or some motive. The motive or impulse is also called a power residing in the individual self or students who encouraged him to do to achieve a goal.
Based on the description above, to observe the effect of learning strategies in learning English, the researchers conducted research on "the implementation of index cards match strategy in SMA .

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